Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Killed Baseball...

Back in the Nineties we used to enjoy the occasional baseball game. We kind of liked it when, during Sports Center, you would see KC played NY and you would have to double check what day it was to see if it was a football score or baseball. Guys were breaking records and the baseballs became hot commodities. Of course that was when the guys who were breaking the records looked like this:

and this:

(note: We Binged white baseball players and this came up...seriously)

Even more records fell and games were exciting. all was bliss for sports fans; that is until this Guy:

We firmly believe that people were so eager that this guy not be the face of baseball that they went after him with both barrels and in the process exposed the rampant steroid usage and took the offense out of baseball.

Some people argue that Barry just rubbed people the wrong way; that he is just a jerk. Well so is McGwire.

WE hate people who pull the race card for every little thing, but there is no way around it. the red headed freckled guy had a great record and the surly black man broke it. If you think we are lying, McGwire lied to congress and has a job in baseball now. 

Barry broke the record, no team would sign him and was convicted of obstruction of justice based on him lying to federal prosecutors even though they could not convict him of lying due to lack of evidence.

Now baseball is back to 'pitchers duals' and sports writters all across America lament about the 'Steroid Era'. while we are stuck with boring games and good naps. 

BTW: Many people still support Lance Armstrong. several polls say he did not cheat. people cite the 500 blood tets without a positive test.

Show us Barry Bonds Positive test. 

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