Saturday, December 1, 2012

So sad...

Our hearts go out to all the Chiefs players, coaches and staff; as well as thier families.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Shame on you baseball...Maybe

Today Barry bonds and Roger Clemons are both to be voted on for the hall of fame. They are two of the greatest players to ever play the game. If they are not inducted then no player from 1987 to 2006ish should be considered. All players from this era used all kinds of chemicals including steroids. Speed was huge during this time as well. the players who are not linked to roids or other PED's from this era never put numbers up that would be considered hall worthy in any era. So if the two best of this era don't go in then no one should. And if they don't go in baseball should be ashamed of itself.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why the Chiefs Sucking hurts so much…

                                                                                           (nope can't blame him anymore)

I was thinking, this is not the first time the chiefs have sucked. In fact, there have been years past where the efforts by some teams were even more futile. There were teams that had fewer talented players and less hope of having a good season. So why is this so upsetting to us, so called, die-hard chiefs fans? I thought for a moment that maybe it was because our expectations were so high at the beginning of the season and the are so bad. No, I don’t think so. We are Kansas City sports team fans; disappointment comes with the territory.

We have a theory…nay…the answer. Parody. Parody is killing the league and  hurting fans. Why? More like how? How can a set-up of teams built to ensure competitiveness be a bad thing? How can it hurt fans; making sure your team can go worst to first in any given year. It is simple, there are no good teams. Every team is just ok, and each weak you could make an argument that any team could beat the other no matter what the record. So, when your team can’t beat teams built for your team to beat; well it sucks.

It never seemed to be that hard to watch the great Steelers teams come in and get a win or the Giants in the 80’s or the 49ers.  Even the Cowboys of the 60’s, 70’s, and 90’s. When teams like that came in it was known to even the most average fan that a win will be unlikely at best. I remember when those great Bills teams in the early 90’s would come to Arrowhead. Chiefs fans knew that if there was a win it would be a real battle. There were just games on the schedule that seemed unlikely wins at best; honest fans chalked them up as losses. But we all still went to the games to cheer. Partly because we hoped they would win, but also to see our team go head to head with the best to see how we measured up.

We no longer have that. There is no one dominant team that losses are upsets to them and each week they are favored to win. The Patriots are closest, only their defense is awful and when they loose no one is really surprised. This is also why this league is impossible to predict. Oh, you can listen to the experts each week but when it comes down too it, they know as little as we do. The expert picks are around .500 at best.

Now in the days of parody your team, our team, has no excuse to lose. Every loss was an expected win. Every blow out loss was an unacceptable performance. Every team sucks so the Chiefs should win. And they continue to fail. Parody destroys greatness and exceptionalism. It has too, you can’t make everything great. You can only make everything average.

Unfortunately in a league of average our Chiefs can’t compete…

Come back for Parody killed great QB’s

And there is this guy...

We at SCM sports don't follow the average joe sports. You know the sports where anybody can participate. Even those who have no chance of competing. Normally, we just don't have the time to mess with who dominated a marathon of average people who months ago could not get off the couch. Hey, good for them, I am glad the have done something. But then we saw this guy:

He ran a marathon in flip-flops. We have three words for you sir...

Like A Boss!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Cassel Situation...

I was watching the Chiefs play the Crows…ahh…Ravens and the Chiefs under-performing QB was injured on a play.  The fans cheered. I mentioned to the missus that it was a low class move to cheer when a guy is hurt; its bad enough when it is an opposing player but it is just wrong when it is your own guy. Matt Cassel is not a good starting QB, but he is one tough SOB. He rushed back from appendix surgery to play. Then n came the press conference. The Chiefs starting right tackle, Eric Winston, ripped into the fans. He made allusions to being embarrassed by them (Which is a backhanded way of saying he is embarrassed by being a Chief) and that it was disgusting. He is right, however he did not stop there. He continued to say that they are not gladiators and that they will live shorter lives because of there chosen profession. He said he was not asking for sympathy but pointed out that we should not cheer when guys get hurt as it represents the shortening of their lives.

OK, If he wasn’t asking for sympathy there is no reason to bring it up. I was supporting him until that moment. How many fans won’t live to see there 60th birthday because of their chosen profession? KC PD officers get to retire after 15 years do to the hazardous and stressful conditions they work under. In those 15 yeasr they will be lucky to get near the amount of money you earned in one year Mr. Winston. You sir get $900,000 dollars for this year; if an officer averages $54,000 and if they worked for 15 years it would be around $810,000. Of course you got that $2,000,000 signing bonus for this year. In 5 years you will earn $22 million. Is your life more valuable that a longshoreman? A coal miner? How many Pennsylvania coal miners root for the Steelers every weekend? How many guys working in the steel mills root for the Steelers? 
How abut those factory workers in Kansas City who will live shorter lives due to the conditions they work?

Mr. Winston you have a skill that is marketable that will give you millions of dollars. You work in a relatively safe profession. How many pro football players died in the last 15 years on the job? I can only think of one. How many soldiers have died in the same time-frame? Police? Firefighters? Fisherman? Miners? Construction workers?

So, when a truck driver who spends thousands of dollars each year in season tickets, parking, concessions and merchandising just to have something to cheer for in an otherwise mundane existence cheers when a millionaire is hurt and the back-up gives him a ray of hope then I say let him. He doesn’t need to be preached at by some self righteous RT who hasn’t lived up to his contract and is part of the reason the fans are as frustrated as they are. Its Just Sickening to have to listen to you tell us what we have the right to do when it costs us so much.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What Killed Baseball...

Back in the Nineties we used to enjoy the occasional baseball game. We kind of liked it when, during Sports Center, you would see KC played NY and you would have to double check what day it was to see if it was a football score or baseball. Guys were breaking records and the baseballs became hot commodities. Of course that was when the guys who were breaking the records looked like this:

and this:

(note: We Binged white baseball players and this came up...seriously)

Even more records fell and games were exciting. all was bliss for sports fans; that is until this Guy:

We firmly believe that people were so eager that this guy not be the face of baseball that they went after him with both barrels and in the process exposed the rampant steroid usage and took the offense out of baseball.

Some people argue that Barry just rubbed people the wrong way; that he is just a jerk. Well so is McGwire.

WE hate people who pull the race card for every little thing, but there is no way around it. the red headed freckled guy had a great record and the surly black man broke it. If you think we are lying, McGwire lied to congress and has a job in baseball now. 

Barry broke the record, no team would sign him and was convicted of obstruction of justice based on him lying to federal prosecutors even though they could not convict him of lying due to lack of evidence.

Now baseball is back to 'pitchers duals' and sports writters all across America lament about the 'Steroid Era'. while we are stuck with boring games and good naps. 

BTW: Many people still support Lance Armstrong. several polls say he did not cheat. people cite the 500 blood tets without a positive test.

Show us Barry Bonds Positive test. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Perpetual Supreme Benevolent Editor is proud to provide to all of you your Official opinion on what to think on the hottest sports topics today and sports topics only he cares about. Be advised he believes the only NFL team to talk about it the Kansas City Chiefs. He will discuss everything from Pro-football to pro-wrestling. Stay tuned...